Flinterforge – Ackerly Green's Guide to Magiq

You Are Flinterforge

A day spent without soiled hands is a day wasted. You’ve never been one to shy away from big ideas or the hard work required to make those ideas manifest. You are a big thinker, an imaginer of machines to make life better, of curious treatments to make life longer: ways to grow stronger crops, methods to forge stronger tools. You don’t wait for problems to solve themselves. You get your hands dirty and solve them yourself. You’ve probably taught yourself a thousand skills to solve a thousand problems and are still open to learn from others. After all, what good is the sharpest of minds, the keenest of ideas, without the know-how to bring those thoughts into fruition?

The botanist and the farmer. The architect and the carpenter.

Perhaps you took apart your favorite toy as a child just to see how it worked. And upon putting it back together, you might’ve realized it worked better than it did before. Perhaps you are the one with the strange ideas, unique ideas to make the old ways work better. Somewhere inside you is the potential to be an engineer, a tinkerer, a maker. An alchemist. An artificer. Whoever you are, never doubt for a moment that above all, you are a creator. You seek not only to see new light, but to create it. To do what has never been done. And to do what has been done, even better.

You’ve always been drawn to the wonder of breaking and remaking things, both objects and ideas. To understand them, recreate them, improve them. That is The Day’s Work, the purpose of every dawning morning and every glowing dusk. To do all you can with the skills you have, in the short time you are given. All to better our world. Come, explore the possibilities of your ideas, the potential of your discoveries. Push the boundaries of their purpose, and yours. 

Create something no one else could’ve imagined and use it to change everything. You are an ideasmith, and here is where you mine what is possible. We are Flinterforge.

Magimystic Affinity:

Artificer’s Whim
Alchemical Tranfigurations
Assembling Runes
Many Hands
Breath of 

What If?

What if this was all true? What if magic was real, and there was a time when you could have joined your chosen guild and learned to practice arcane arts with other believers?

What if you still could? Would you?

That longing you have for something else— your belief that there is something more, something bigger than just this world— there’s a reason for it.

You’ve been called.

If you’re ready, click the button below. We’ve provided everything you need to prepare for your journey to the truth, to connect with others who have already learned the truth, and to take your place in a story that can’t be told without you.

All you have to do is answer the call. Are you ready?

By Answering The Call, You'll Receive:

The Monarch Papers: Flora & Fauna, volume one of our magimystic discoveries so far, recounted by journalist Martin Rank and author CJ Bernstein, whose children originally found the Guide.

Access to the Guide to MAGIQ’s secret second half. Learn your special place within your guild by taking the Guild Bearing assessment.

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